Ironic Vomit

In my first trimester, I remember wondering how it was even possible for someone to be this tired. Then, I gave up wondering and just napped. It was my answer to everything. Have assignments to do? Exams to study for? Housework to be done? Nap instead. You won’t accomplish anything, nor will you wake up feeling refreshed and energized. But f*ck it. Nap anyways. And if anyone judges you for napping so often, cut them and then blame it on your pregnancy hormones.

And the nausea.

Oh god, the nausea. Rarely did I ever actually vomit, but I was perpetually stuck in that horrid limbo where you’re salivating and preparing to chuck but you’re not quite there yet. Diclectin was my best friend. The first time I actually did throw up was in my aunt’s driveway (you’re welcome, Aunt Tracey). We were going shopping, and I had just taken my pill. She looked me over and asked if “I was sure I was up for it”, and said “we could just go later.” Pfft. Nobody politely suggests that I do something later! I began my protest, but my indignation was cut short as I caught my reflection in her living room window. Christ. So much for glowy and beautiful. I looked like a mix between Gollum from Lord of the Rings and that murderous furby from Gremlins. Meh. “Let’s go,” I said.

I walked to her car with as little movement as I could get away with. I probably would have crawled, or flopped my way over seal-style had there not been stairs to walk down. I opened the door and then cautiously got in. And that’s when the smell hit. A freshly opened “blueberry cheesecake” scented air freshener.

Oh no.

Now, don’t get me wrong. On a regular, non-pregnant day, I could probably destroy an entire blueberry cheesecake. But on that day? My body was like nah, you don’t like delicious food anymore. Or food in general, really. I closed my eyes and tried to fight it, but as soon as we started backing out of the driveway, I hit the point of no return. “STOP,” I yelled, as I opened her door and ironically vomited my anti-nausea pill along with an entire bottle of water. After I was done, I looked down and scoffed at the useless pill. “Well, I feel much better now.” She continued backing up out of her driveway, and we made our way to the mall.

One thought on “Ironic Vomit

  1. Tracey Lavers says:

    I’ll never forget that. For me , it was hilarious. I’m allowed to laugh cause I’ve been there. However my levels were projectile 7 days a week, several times a day for 6 months…so I didn’t feel too sorry for you. I remember looking at you and u looked like a hot mess…which by the way u never do so I knew that it wasn’t good. I kept asking if u were ok cause I knew u weren’t and even though I love you to pieces I kept thinking if she pukes I’m going to strangle her….lovingly of course. It went from OMG your car smells so good to holy shit it’s gonna make me puke…lol. However you did feel better and we did proceed downtown to power shop like nature intended.

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