Life Update

So, it’s been awhile since I’ve posted on here. Two and a half years to be exact! I’ve had a few people express interest in reading more about our story over the years, but life and such. I do remember writing feeling oddly therapeutic, and if there’s anything a young-ish mom of two needs, it’s free therapy. And vodka. But day drinking while you’re on maternity leave is “irresponsible” and makes people want to “call CPS,” so here we are.

I thought I’d start with an update post since it’s been so long. The last time I wrote to you guys, I was mom to a three year old Carter. We had just moved to Edmonton and I was in a relationship, but Carter and I lived on our own. Today, I’m a married mum of two. C just turned five years old, and his baby brother Liam is just about 4 months. Not sure who decided to let me have two kids given that I’m a f#@king mess of a person, but I’m pretty stoked about the whole thing. My husband likes to compare me to a duck, outwardly appearing to glide gracefully across the water – but if you look underneath, there’s a lot of awkward and aggressive kicking and flapping around. He’s not wrong.

Speaking of my husband, his name is Mark and he’s pretty swell. At the risk of appearing like I’m not basically the tin man from the Wizard of Oz, I’m happy to report that I finally found my person. We coexist pretty well, plus it’s neat to have someone I can throw the children at while I run out the door to go get a massage.

We also have a dog. When she’s not biting the bottom of my pants as I walk around the house, she can be found chewing on literally all of my possessions. We’re still working on our peaceful coexistence.


All in all, life is pretty great right now. I’m probably the happiest I’ve ever been, despite the ever-growing list of stuff I should probably improve about myself. Our life still is, and will likely always be, very centered around Carter’s SB diagnosis. But more about that later.

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